What makes one firm of accountants different from another? Is it even possible when they all appear to deliver broadly identical services and their employees are trained in the same homogenous fashion?
The top business minds tell us that differentiation is the key to success. So, how can it be that a firm such as Wellers has survived and thrived over the last 75 years? The answer is simple; it’s all about our attitude.
Sure, our partners and staff are trained to the highest regulatory standards to ensure we keep you legally compliant. That’s a given in the professional world, but what makes us unique is our belief that business is about people and we make those relationships the centrepiece of everything we do.
By focussing first on staff and clients, their aspirations, the challenges they face, their development, their emotional well being and helping them accomplish their goals, we know this then takes care of the long term success of our own firm.